Friday, March 23, 2007

What Did Tony Dungy Tell Tubby Smith?

The following comes courtesy of Wildcats Thunder by link and it's LEX 18 News' coverage of Tubby Smith's departure. There's footage of Tubby Smith boarding a plane headed to Minnesota from Lexington, Big Woo's reaction, and Patrick Patterson's reaction which has me convinced he's not signing on with the Wildcats now.

But perhaps most intriguing of the whole clip is when LEX's Alan Cutler dishes the scoop that Indianapolis Colts' head coach Tony Dungy had something to do with Tubby Smith leaving for Minnesota, but he doesn't elaborate exactly what involvement he had with the situation.

Knowing that Tony Dungy is a Christian, I assume or speculate that Dungy played none other than a supporting voice for Tubby. Too bad Alan Cutler didn't elaborate on this interesting tidbit.

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