Friday, November 17, 2006

The Rajon Rondo Watch: The Magician Strikes Again

photo from

It's always weird seeing your favorite players with different teams, and of course, in different jerseys. There's not a better example of that (aside from Hayes in a Rockets jersey) than Rondo in Boston right now.

Rondo looks like he's enjoying his new home here, but he's almost not recognizable not wearing the blue and white. He is a player with skills though. In 7 games so far with Boston, Rajon “ the Magician ” Rondo has 8 steals and 28 assists with 5 ppg. He's certainly not stealing the ball at the level he was at Kentucky, but that's understandable with the transition. He is sharing the ball (4 apg) which is cool, but what he's lacking by not magically stealing the ball, he's making up by doing other magical things as shown below which have the fans over at Reds Army searching for a caption. I knew this kid was magical.

Rondo's NBA Profile

Enjoy the game tonight, and have a good weekend yall.

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