Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Hoops Highlight: Bobby Knight

There's no better way to end the holiday season than with a clip of Bobby Knight's best sound bites. I know he's well on his way to becoming college b-ball's winningest D-1 coach in history, if he hasn't already since last reported, and if there's ever someone I would want to see have their own segment covering hoops it would be Knight over anyone anywhere on television.

So enjoy this clip courtesy of ESPN, via YouTube, and lets remember Bobby Knight as either one rude, crude human being or one clever piece of comic genius who was able to capture the minds of everyone who has eyes and ears. For me, sound bites of Bobby Knight are better than any New Year celebration. EVER.

In case I forget, Happy New Year, and Happy New Year to Bobby Knight in all your television-sound bite and face-contorting splendor. Me, well I'll save my game faces for when I'm hugging the toilet after foolishly consuming a half a bottle of tequila before 12am New Years.

2007 never seemed further away.

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