Thursday, August 16, 2007

Punter Gets Jacked Up

Sav Rocca is his name and he plays for the Eagles and unfortunately gets jacked up hard by the Ravens in their preseason game. It's not just being "jacked up", I'm not sure there's a word out to describe the hit he took other than to say he got effed on the field. Let's call him Sav(e) Rocca cuz the kid needs saving man. Messed up. Here's the vid,

Here's some enlightening commentary starting at around the 1:08 mark of the vid …

He's effffffffffing commmmming!

or, turrrrrn your efffffing heeeead!!!

As SS would say, kid got jacked up, got up, and walked over to the sidelines to have some pancakes cuz he thought he was at iHop.

I have no idea what that means.


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