Friday, April 20, 2007

Hokie Hope

(Photo from MSNBC.)

I guess I'm still trying to come up with something respectful in regards to what happened at Virginia Tech. When something like this happens (Columbine, 9/11, Amish School Shooting), I find myself speechless and sick inside and wondering what the right words are to say. It's demoralizing that things like this recur in our society and so close to home these days and I begin to wonder where this world is heading if it continues on this path because in times like these its a dark, dark moment that really scares me.

I pray for peace, truth, unconditional worldwide love, compassion, and understanding for everyone who has been affected by this tragedy and any other tragedy anyone's been affected by, no matter how small or great. So many things have happened, are happening, that affect humanity, you and me, in a negative way these days, and I just pray for an end to it all, to all the madness because it's just beginning to be too much to hear or read about almost on a daily basis. I sincerely pray for everyone, in this time of grief on the Virginia Tech campus, to know you are being thought of and prayed for, and know we wish you the best of days to come. I am sorry for your loss.

The Wildcat Blog sincerely prays for the faculty, students, family, and friends of Virginia Tech in this time of mourning of such great loss. May hope, love, and forgiveness fill all of your hearts in the days to come. May God Bless you in this time of need.


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