Monday, June 4, 2007

Spring Springin' The Bling Blingin'

The football team's Blue White Game is old news … which is where the Wildcat Blog so eloquently comes in.

I can't help but get excited when I hear names like this on this year's teams which will be common household college football names by season's end. Names like Braxton Kelley.

Just say Braxton once and you know it's a football name yo. Brrr, Burrr, Buuuraxt you up, yo! He's gonna put a Burraxton on you! Braxton Kelley, with a name like that, he was born to play defense.

Woodyard will hit ya hard.

Wesley Woodyard. Woooood-Yarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrd! Wooood-yaaaaaard do iiiiiiiittt!!! Woodyard's like a drill sargeant yo. You ain't sneakin by him. Wood-yard is in my back-yaaaaard, and he's gonna hit ya in the frooooont-haaaaaaaard!!

Trevard Lindley. Rhymes with Bindley. He'll make you pump fake when the time ain't friendly. Trevard. He'll pick you off and make you say whatever.

Marcus McClinton. Yo, like Braxton is a defensive football name. He was born into football. Marcus and Braxton are two brutal football names, yo. If your kids are named either two of these names you have to sign them up in little league football to see what they can do. It should be mandatory. Marcus Mcclinton, he ain't sittin. He's gonna pop you when you ain't lookin! Marcus McClinton, make ya sure ya ain't winnin, he'll double team the outside and then put on a lickin! McClinton!

And we know what our offense can do. Woodson, Little, Burton, Lyons, Tamme, Ford, Dixon. Our offense it stacked, and with the Blue/White game behind us the excitement about this season can finally get underway, I mean I think it's good that Andre Woodson gets his Bling Bling on after the Spring game. Show that rock yo. Remind the ACC that they lost to a traditionally SEC cellar team. Remind the SEC this year that we return all our star players on both sides of the ball. Remind the ESPN Game Day crew why Kentucky is going to make some noise this year. If all goes well, and I know this expectation is too high but I firmly believe in the talent we have on our defense which can be stifling, Kentucky might just make a trip the SEC Championship. It's the best defense I've seen in my lifetime.

Bling Bling it up!


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